Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Moving Mountain

After a lot of thinking and trying out these social network in search of a friend to share my thoughts with so that I can stop growing grey hair. I came to the conclusion that I am not a social person. So why not just share my thoughts with my blog. Maybe some one will read it and not make the same mistake that I have been making for the last six years and 11 months. if someone had told me that at the age of 27 I would be living with a man/boy that love to be supported by a female I would of say you a Lie cause I am a very strong and independent person so I would not of belittle myself like that. Well I have turn into that person that started to believing in a guy that he is going to do right by me cause he loves me and want to spend the rest of is life with me.( bullshit) I am so mad and disappointed in myself that these day I find it every hard to look in the mirror. Be sure to comeback to find out how I have Moved Mountain just to maintain this thing that is call a RELATIONSHIP.