First comes safety, second comes style! Beyoncé dares to dazzle Wednesday, dressed to impress as she jet skis in the Caribbean, where she's been vacationing with hubby Jay-Z (not pictured).
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by Black Saul at Wednesday, December 31, 2008 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
R&B singer Ne-Yo has proposed to his longtime girlfriend Tenille. Congrts to them.
Good Move Ne-Yo. What a way to distract the mainstream press from all the other stuff in Ne-Yo's life. You know like when he said that light skinned babys are the cutest kids . Or when he got stomped out in Louis Vuitton store by rapper Jim Jones' goons
Posted by Black Saul at Monday, December 29, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Heidi and Spencer Faked their Mariage
Apparently, the epic volumes of fake exuded from Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt has caused the Associated Press, an actual legitimate news source, to investigate the legality of their nuptials. In a teaser for the fourth season of The Hills, Heidi and Spencer are shown in a courtroom legalizing their marriage after eloping in Mexico. Except not really because the whole thing was staged by MTV:
A Los Angeles Superior Court official said Tuesday that MTV was recently granted permission to shoot in a courtroom in Beverly Hills, but it was done after hours — and that's not one of their judges sitting on the bench in "The Hills" footage. MTV was granted permission to film "what purported to be a wedding outside of court hours" at the Beverly Hills courthouse, court spokesman Allan Parachini said Tuesday. He did not know who the participants were in the wedding, but Parachini said court officials wanted the filming to be treated as a news event. The preview for next week's season finale features a wood-paneled courtroom with the California state seal perched on the wall behind a judge. Civil ceremonies are sometimes performed at the Beverly Hills courthouse, but not in the manner portrayed in the brief preview. If a judge does preside, it is typically in chambers during a break, Parachini said.Well, that cinches it. Now these two have to fake their own deaths, but there's only one way to make it look real: Gunshot wounds. Meet me out back! Also, grab a couple beers. Somebody drank all mine.
Posted by Black Saul at Sunday, December 28, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Why Mr. President-Elect, How Fit You Are [Body Politics]
President-elect Barack Obama is on vacation in Hawaii right now and a stressful campaign and glorious victory seem to have done a body good. He's trimmer than he was in August! Back then we gawked at his slimmer, more tone physique and it seems only to have gotten better. Will Barry not only unite the people under a terrific, fiery banner of lip service devotion to gays and eger hand-holding of those that dislike them, but also erase the memory of the long, corpulent national nightmare that was President Taft? Here's hoping. Above is the new pic, from arch popitical site Tmz, and below is the old one for comparison.
Posted by Black Saul at Saturday, December 27, 2008 1 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Fresh Prince Red Carpet Reunion
Tuesday night's Los Angeles premiere of Will Smith's Seven Poundsturned into a Fresh Prince reunion on the red carpet.
Besides the Prince himself, Cousin Carlton (Alfonso Ribeiro) was there, along with the rebellious Ashley Banks (Tatyana Ali).
It's nice to see that the former castmates are still friends.
Or that Will Smith at least took pity on their dead-end careers and invited them on a night out.
'Tis the season after all!
P.S. The film and Will's performance are getting awful reviews.
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, December 26, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
J-Hud Cancels
Jennifer Hudson has pulled out of plans to film a new music video next week.
The still-grieving Oscar winner is not yet ready to get back to work after the unimaginable slaying of three beloved family members, her mother, brother and nephew.
"The video was set up before the tragedy and she felt like she should finish what she started, but she's realized that she's not ready to go back to work," a source says. "It's too early."
Let us all send positive thoughts J-Hud's way!
Hopefully our energy can help her healing a bit.
Posted by Black Saul at Sunday, December 14, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Why Will Smith Gets Shy During Love Scenes
Posted by Black Saul at Saturday, December 13, 2008 0 comments
Obama Dividing, Conquering DC Private School Elite
Posted by Black Saul at Saturday, December 13, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Oprah Winfrey Admits to Tipping the Scales at 200 Lbs
Having packed 40 pounds onto her former 160-pound self, Oprah Winfrey is declaring, "I'm mad at myself" because she's "fallen off the wagon." As the media mogul, 54, writes in the January issue of her O magazine hitting newsstands Tuesday (and provided in advance to the Associated Press by Winfrey's Harpo Productions) : "I'm embarrassed … I can't believe that after all these years, all the things I know how to do, I'm still talking about my weight. I look at my thinner self and think, 'How did I let this happen again?' " For starters, the fact that her thyroid was out-of-balance gave her "a fear of working out," she says. "I was so frustrated I started eating whatever I wanted – and that's never good."Having slimmed down to 160 in 2006, she admits, "Yes, you're adding correctly. That means the dreaded 200."
Past DietsWinfrey memorably revealed her new look on her show in 1988 – by wheeling out a wagon loaded with fat to represent the 67 pounds she had shed. On that episode, she sported a pair of size 10 Calvin Klein jeans. "My greatest failure was in believing that the weight issue was just about the weight," Winfrey told PEOPLE in 1991. "It's about not handling stress properly." But when it came to slipping into those jeans, "I had literally starved myself for four months on a liquid-protein diet – not a morsel of food," Winfrey, an admitted food addict, said in 2005. "Two hours after that show, I started eating to celebrate – of course, within two days those jeans no longer fit!" Winfrey's weight has long been a topic on her show – and even for late-night hosts. In 1990, she hit 237 pounds, eventually prompting her in 1996 to enlist personal trainer Bob Greene. At the time, she said she had wanted to bring an end to her roller coaster weight saga.
Posted by Black Saul at Tuesday, December 09, 2008 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
O.J. Simpson get Slapped with 15 years in prison
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, December 05, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Children Included on List of Inauguration Security Threats
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, December 04, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
RiRi And Chris Brown Got Served
Posted by Black Saul at Wednesday, December 03, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Ricki Lake: ' I Can't Believe I was Fat'
Ricki Lake has trimmed 140 lbs.from her all-time top weight of 270 pounds – and says she is holding steady.
"I can’t believe I was a fat person for most of my life," the former talk show host, rocking a sexy black Herve Leger dress (size small), told PEOPLE at a recent benefit for the New Space for Women's Health, a New York City birthing center slated to open in 2010.
"I didn’t have surgery and I worked hard. There's no secret. I’m active. I watch what I eat," Lake, 40, adds.
But she's certainly not immune to the pressure to stay thin. "According to Hollywood standards, I'm not a thin girl. I’m a normal girl," says the mom of two boys, Milo, 11, and Owen, 6. "I don’t want to perpetuate that obsession but yet I am also guilty of wanting ... to lose weight."
Posted by Black Saul at Sunday, November 30, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Black Friday Turns Deadly at a New York Wal-Mart
So savage!
Our thoughts go out to the family of Jdimytai Damour, the Wal-Mart employee who was TRAMPLED TO DEATH by early morning shoppers at a New York Wal-Mart.
The New York Times reports that at about 4:55 am on Friday, a crowd of more than 2,000 who had come out for holiday deals forced their way into the Valley Stream, NY store. The six or so workers manning the front could not hold the unruly crowd back. Witnesses said the doors shattered and 'the shrieking mob surged through in a blind rush for holiday bargains. and Jdimytai Damour was 'thrown back onto the black linoleum tiles and trampled in the stampede that streamed over and around him.'
The detective in charge of the investigation said the store lacked adequate security.
He also went on to call the scene “utter chaos” and said the “crowd was out of control" and that those who ran over the victim could face criminal charges.
“I’ve heard other people call this an accident, but it is not. Certainly it was a foreseeable act,” said the detective.
A witness told the media that shoppers behaved badly even as the store was being cleared AFTER the death, “When they were saying they had to leave, that an employee got killed, people were yelling, ‘I’ve been on line since yesterday morning. They kept shopping.”
How can you not know that you were stepping all over a human?!?
We feel so bad for his family.
Sad, sad, sad.
Posted by Black Saul at Saturday, November 29, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z at the Knicks- Cavaliers game
Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z looked like they were having a blast on a date at the Knicks-Cavaliers game in NYC last night. Beyonce's double album scored the top spot on the charts her opening week, and she expressed her excitement in between performances on The Today Show this morning. Dressed in an all black catsuit, Beyonce and Sasha Fierce took turns singing songs, and she spoke to Matt Lauer about her intense character role in Cadilac Records. She'll be back to showing off her acting skills when the movie is out next week, but for now we'll keep Practicing the "Single Ladies" dance over the long weekend.
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 27, 2008 0 comments
I don't have a lot to say about the bird
That gobbled its last gobble for our sake,
Whose tabletop repose is too absurd
For any but a turkey's corpse to make.
The situation's boggling to me,
I, seated by this vacant piece of meat,
The turkey, dressed and cut for all to see,
My family, now gathering to eat.
We stare each other down, this bird and I,
As awkward an exchange as there has been;
Our kinds have never quite seen eye to eye,
And now presents no great chance to begin.
We're not a perfect pair; that much is clear,
But neither of us meant to end up here.
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 27, 2008 0 comments
Beyonce, I don't think I am ready for this jelly
Beyonce performed on The Today Show this morning, and I don't know sign language, but I'm pretty sure I can decipher the message being delivered here: "Kim Kardashian, it's on. My ghetto booty vs. your buttpad. Downtown LA. November 29. 6-8 PM. (On account of rain, butt-off will be moved indoors.) Bring a covered dish." Again, no sign language expert. But I think I caught the gist. Video after the jump.
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 27, 2008 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
How will obama's victory your health?
Barack Obama said that as president, he’d make big changes to health care. Will it help your family?
Coverage for Kids
Although Obama's plan does not require that all people get health insurance, he says he will make sure that all children are covered. When children are born, their parents will be required to enroll them in an insurance plan or sign up for a program like Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program (which are government programs designed to help cover lower income families). One way that this requirement may be enforced is by requiring children to show proof of insurance when they enroll in school, according to a paper published by policy research group American Enterprise Institute.
Affordable Insurance for Everyone
Health insurance will not be required for all adults under Obama's plan, but he does propose a way to make it easier to get and cheaper for anyone who wants it. In his campaign materials, he promised that anyone who already has an insurance plan they like will be able to keep it. However, he has also suggested creating a national insurance program and a national pool of private insurance plans, where people who are not insured can choose one. He also plans to expand Medicaid to cover more people.
Employer Insurance Requirements
Obama's plan also calls for all businesses to offer health insurance to their workers. The companies that don't provide insurance will be forced to pay an additional tax, which will go toward paying for the national insurance and insurance pool, according to a study by the Lewin Group, a health care policy research group. He also proposes to provide help to small business owners who may not be able to afford to provide health care or pay the tax.
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, November 21, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Everone Needs A Little Tender Loving and Care
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Ed Westwick!!! Love It or Leave It?

Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Beyonce and Sasha Fierce Are Off to a No. 1
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 20, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
We Already of a Volunteer For Barack Obama's Inauguration
Posted by Black Saul at Wednesday, November 19, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
No we can’t President-elect Barack Obama is a sell out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Black Saul at Tuesday, November 18, 2008 0 comments
Who is a better dancer Justin or Beyoncé?
Posted by Black Saul at Tuesday, November 18, 2008 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Can Kanye West be the next Michael Jordon

Posted by Black Saul at Friday, November 14, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Loser Sleeping Like a Baby!
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 13, 2008 0 comments
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 13, 2008 0 comments
Black Huxtables
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 13, 2008 0 comments
Thank God Bush is Out
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 13, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Actions
Transition advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone to reverse White House policies on climate change, stem cell research, reproductive rights and other issues, according to congressional Democrats, campaign aides and experts working with the transition team.
Posted by Black Saul at Sunday, November 09, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
YES I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Black Saul at Saturday, November 08, 2008 0 comments
Would Beyonce Make a Good Wonder Woman?
"What would be better than Wonder Woman?" she tells the Los Angeles Times. "It would be great. And it would be a very bold choice. A black Wonder Woman would be a powerful thing. It's time for that, right?"
The singer-actress, 27, has met with representatives at DC Comics and Warner Bros. to discuss donning the red, white and blue bathing suit on screen, she says.
"After doing these roles that were so emotional I was thinking to myself, 'OK, I need to be a superhero,'" Beyoncé tells the Times. "Although, when you think about the psychology of the heroes in the films these days, they are still a lot of work, of course, and emotional. But there's also an action element that I would enjoy."
Her interest in the role was strengthened earlier this year when she went to New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and saw on display Lynda Carter's iconic costume.
"I would definitely have to keep it right for that costume," she says. "But I love Wonder Woman and it'd be a dream come true to be that character. It sure would be handy to have that lasso."
Posted by Black Saul at Saturday, November 08, 2008 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Barack Obama And Sarah Palin Dancing with the Stars
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, November 07, 2008 0 comments
Mother to Son
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, November 07, 2008 0 comments
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, November 07, 2008 0 comments
What Is A Friends?
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, November 07, 2008 0 comments
White Chocolate
Posted by Black Saul at Friday, November 07, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 06, 2008 0 comments
Barack Obama Claims Victory Before Huge Crowd in Chicago
n Tuesday, after a final burst of campaigning in Indiana, Obama retreated into a private comfort zone – an Election Day ritual game of hoops with staff and buddies. He then shared an intimate dinner of steak at his Hyde Park home with his family, including his mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, and brother-in-law Craig Robinson
Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 06, 2008 0 comments
There Will Be Another Day
After shedding tears during John McCain's concession speech, Sarah Palin returned to Alaska on Wednesday to run the state in person after doing it by Blackberry from the campaign trail.
"I am neither bitter nor vanquished," she told supporters in a phone call at an event at the Multi-Use Sports Complex in her hometown of Wasilla, "but very confident in the knowledge that there will be another day."
Exactly what Palin will do next will be one of the most watched political stories of the coming years. Palin, already on the short list of those with a chance at the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, promises to be a less divisive figure than she was during this year's campaign.
"If there's a role for me in national politics it won't be so much partisan," Palin, 44, tells the Chicago Tribune while waiting in line for coffee at a Wasilla café. "It will certainly be a unifier-type of role."
More certain is the fate of her No. 1 impersonator, Tina Fey, who has vowed to hang up her Palin wig from Saturday Night Live for good, the actress tells Entertainment Weekly.
"I have to retire just because I have to do my day job," says Fey, the creator and star of 30 Rock, which got a ratings boost for its premiere Oct. 30.
Tearful Ending
Palin – the real one – was welling with tears during McCain's concession speech, even as the Arizona senator who plucked the mother of five out of relative obscurity to be his running mate called her "one of the best campaigners I have ever seen." "I'm sure with her there's a sense she feels she was getting started," a senior McCain staffer tells PEOPLE. "She thinks if she had more time she might have been able to make more of a difference." Adds the staffer, "We haven't heard the last from her."Posted by Black Saul at Thursday, November 06, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Job
Posted by Black Saul at Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Police Have Hudson Murder Weapon
According to new reports, a handgun - that was discovered on Wednesday in close proximity to where the body of Jennifer Hudson's nephew was found - IS the weapon that was used in the Hudson family killings.
Police immediately had suspected that the gun was a match because the unfired bullets in the gun matched the make and model of shell casings found at the murder scene.
Forensics test have confirmed the police's hunch.
Sources also revealed that said gun was traced to its original owner in Michigan, who reported it stolen.
Investigators are trying to figure out the gun's path from Michigan to Chicago.
We're glad that the authorities are closer to finding the person who committed the horrifying crimes.
Posted by Black Saul at Monday, November 03, 2008 0 comments