Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We Already of a Volunteer For Barack Obama's Inauguration

As Barack Obama's inauguration draws closer, all eyes are on potential performers for the big event. If they're looking for volunteers, Beyonce Knowles will happily raise her hand! "I know I'll definitely be there [at the swearing in]," she told reporters at a Gotham magazine event in New York Tuesday night. "I want to be there to witness it." As for performing, she added, "Of course I'd love to. Who wouldn't?" The singer also opened up about dancing with Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg in a hilarious Saturday Night Live send-up of her hit "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)." "Justin Timberlake came by SNL, and I just happened to be in town," she said of the already-classic skit. "I said, 'I'm not sure I want to do it.' ... But when they told me [he] would be a part of it, I said, 'I have to do this!' " So how does she rate his skills as a (leotard wearing!) backup dancer? "He's so hilarious!" she said. "He has the best timing."