Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers are everything for us when we are small...our lives revolve around her. For everything that we need we call mother. To protect us from all perceivable dangers we want her around us. To take us out we hold her arms. To kiss away our wounds we run to her. And for a warm hug and love we look for her. She is the focal point of our lives, the greatest human being in the world or should we say divinity on earth. the greatest blessing of God on you. Happy Mother’s Day means more than have a happy day. Within these words lie many things we may never get to say. It means I love you first of all and thanks for all you do. It means you mean a lot to me and that I will honor you. Most mothers rarely get the thanks that rightly they deserve. Especially when it another’s dreams for whom that they serve. You fed us and watched us and taught us how to play. So smile cause we love you on this special Mother’s Day.