Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's a date! President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle make first visit to New York City

Four months after taking office, President Barack Obama fulfilled an important campaign promise on Saturday one he made to his wife, first lady Michelle."I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished," the president said in a statement, according to he Associated Press. After watching their daughter Malia play in a soccer game in Washington earlier in the day, the first couple boarded a jet for Manhattan. Once they landed, Michelle, dressed in a long black sleeveless fringed dress, and the president, in a dark suit and white shirt (and no tie), headed for a romantic meal at Blue Hill, a Greenwich Village restaurant known for its American Nouveau cuisine. They dined for a little more than two hours, before they headed uptown to the theater district, with crowds of people waving at the presidential motorcade, snapping photos and shouting out greetings along the way. Their estination was the Belasco Theatre on 44th Street, where the took in a production of the Tony-nominated Joe Turner's Come and Gone, an August Wilson play about black America in the early 1900s. After the show, the first couple flew back home to Washington.