Wednesday, December 3, 2008

RiRi And Chris Brown Got Served

Paparazzi-ing is dangerous work sometimes!
In May, bodyguards working for pop princess Rihanna and boyfriend Chris Brown supposedly beat up a Florida photog named Luis Santana for snapping some pics of the two getting cozy outside of a Florida club before they 'officially' came out as a couple. On Tuesday, the pap filed a $1 million lawsuit against the couple, the bodyguards and the club, who Santana claims had 'inadequate security'. "I couldn't believe it was happening. I've done this many, many times before and never have I ever gotten close to being grabbed. There's a dark side to celebrities and nightlife," said the photog to the media. Chris Brown's attorney stated, "neither Chris Brown nor his security was involved in the alleged incident." Papping can be hazardous to your health!