Tuesday, January 27, 2009

George Clooney Places Himself Up for Adoption

George Clooney has made an offer few can refuse: He has placed himself up for adoption. "I always wanted to be adopted, but I couldn't find anyone," said the star, speaking at a Newseum event in Washington, D.C., with his father, former Ohio news anchor Nick Clooney, and veteran journalist Bill Small on either side of him. "Will you adopt me?" George said to Small. "I'm very wealthy. I'll take care of you." Talk of adoption started after Nick Clooney's observation that his son's 2005 film, Good Night, and Good Luck, about iconic CBS newsman Edward R. Murrow, is now being shown in journalism schools across the country. "This film has legs," said the elder Clooney, who then asked his son for his opinion. "I don't care for that," said the jocular George – prompting Nick to respond: "I never cared for this kid – his sister's great."